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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

It is sooooo slow at the office right now. Almost all the developers in my team are on a well deserved vacation, but that leaves us testers a bit bored. So when we finally got a fix to verify we went bananas with it. We did the usual routine; creating a playbook on a whiteboard and sorting out how things worked before and how it should work now. We went through the risk areas and settled on a couple of charters to run sessions on.

Then the fun started. Two big TV screens have been installed in one of the meeting rooms so we high jacked that room. We thought it would be a good idea to test run the TV also. So we got two Macs hooked up to a screen each and then we had some sessions the three of us. It was quite neat, everybody had their own computer but we had a good overview of what was happening in the logs and the environment since we could see the same things and discuss them. So my plan is to make the room into our new test lab. :)

Our new test lab:

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