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Thursday, September 4, 2014

New Challanges yet again

So after almost three years at Blocket I decided it was time to move on and try my wings as a consultant at Claremont. A bit scary since I am totally out of my comfort zone, which is a hard place to be and not somewhere I want to stay for too long. But it has been almost two weeks now, and I'm starting to get to know people at the office, how the coffee machine works and such. So my my worse headache is to get my CV in order and to get an assignment. I wish me and my CV were more friends than we are, but I got really inspired when a read a post on LinkedIn from Human Workplace where they talked about the Human-Voiced-Resume, where one important part is that it is ok to write your CV using "I". When I tried this it was so more easy and inspiring to write! Writing that "Ann worked as a Test Manager and did a lot of stuff.." is no fun. But writing and telling my story was awesome! I highly recommend it!

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Ann and thanks for the tip. Needed that right now actually :)
